It feels like summer

Monday, June 21, 2010
and it really does. We have had the oddest cold fronts and thunderstorms, but today just feels like summer.

I am hardly doing anything today. I don't know why, but this has been the theme of my existence lately. I keep obsessing about photography. I just need to keep reminding myself to have fun, not to ruin it for myself. I will get better with time, and to have patience. I need to make this my mantra. I am over thinking everything.

The husband and I drove his '68 mustang down to a flooded area of the river. We walked a path that we had to trudge through water. It was a pretty amazing afternoon. We held hands. I'm sure to most that doesn't seem like a big deal. But the last hand I held was my daughters. And before that it had been years. So it was a big deal for us. It was a swift reminder of what we once were.

Saturday we took the kids and went to his parent's land and spent the day with his family. That day was relaxing too. We drove home in the most spectacular lightening storm. If I had the guts I would love to get shots of that kind of lightening.

Friday night, we spent it at my parents' house. My mom ordered pizza and we ate it on her big country porch. It was the perfect evening. It was nice to have adult conversation and spend it with our loved ones.


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