I have had photography as a hobby for 7 years, it's actually quite embarrassing to say that I feel like I am not that great. At least not 7 years worth.
Here's my excuses;
I took quite a long break, and only did a few landscape shots through the years.
and I had two amazing babies. That is all.
Plus I have just recently found that I might enjoy shooting portraiture. I have so much to learn. And so little funds to help me. I am just being so impatient and hard on myself. I am scared I am going to lose what drew me to photography in the first place, that passion. I can't do that to myself. I won't.
So with that I am reminding myself constantly. I am going at my own pace. Nobody else's and who cares. I am doing this for myself anyway!
Phew, okay... I got that out. It's been gnawing at the back of my head for a while now.
On a completely different note, I got some super amazing sandals yesterday :) I love me some Target.

and... because I can.

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