Monday, January 11, 2010
Adam called me tonight. He called to see how everyone was fairing without him. Truly I think his dog is more hurt than anyone else!
He confessed that the other guys wanted to go to a strip club, and they went in for a bit. The $5 beers scared him and another to the bar across from their hotel though. He told me the guy that he is sharing a hotel room with is crazy for strip clubs, and says he's going again tomorrow too. I asked him if he was married, and Adam tells me no. I said "Well no wonder, he's just trying to get his fix. He doesn't even get bad sex." Mind you this is an old perverted man.

It has been a quick day, with nothing going on. Just the same stuff, every day. I am a stay at home mom, with no motivation to do anything or go anywhere. I hate that feeling. Winter just isn't my season.


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