Life's beat

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Denver weekend was a success. Absolute success! We jumped and threw the peace sign up to Anti-flag, felt like we were going to pass out in the grass, and danced in the rain to B Foundation. A very grand Warped Tour. We ate dinner in our hotel afterward, and got 10 plus hours of uninterrupted, kid free sleep. When we awoke we went to our favorite dive, Pete's Kitchen and then did a little shopping. It was a great escape. I was happy to see the babies though.
Now it's back to normalcy. Everyone is adjusting valiantly.
I believe I am participating in a thing called ArtWalk, in downtown Sidney. A pretty low key event but I am at least putting my stuff out there.

Today was the first day it's felt like summer in a long while. I must confess I have liked the threat of fall. I think I am ready for it.

This could drag...

Monday, August 2, 2010
on and on! We're going to Denver this weekend. Kid free. My husband and I haven't done that in... well I am pretty sure since having babies.
Will we even know what to talk about? Hopefully he doesn't find his new wife boring. I am not sure I know how to even converse out side of mommy-mode. We are going to be playing the part of a young punk ass couple. We're going to a massive concert. I could be going completely out of my realm of comfort now. But what the hell. My hang ups are that my body is not where it used to be. Oh how I wish I had to desire to start losing weight again. I have 20 lbs till pre-pregnancy. I want to be a waif.

Words can't describe how excited I am for this week to be over!! Alas it's only Monday. On to my housewife duties.
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