
Friday, November 19, 2010

It's the weekend again. Weekends don't really count anymore. Being a stay-at-home mom the days just string together. I know, how lucky for me that everyday is like the weekend! Oh ya!
I think the misconception is that you're so lucky and how easy.

My work is non stop. If a kid wakes in the night, who is there? I am eating lunch and a kid needs something... guess what? I quit my 'break' and handle it. I don't leave at 5 and get to give my mind a break until the morning shift.
It's definitely not all hard, but it isn't bon bons and Soaps either. I think only workaholics who work 80 plus hours a week truly understand. And even then... they get to sleep soundly and not be awoken.


Thursday, November 4, 2010
I need a cleansing. I need to wash everything away. Clean slate. I need these bad feelings, anger, hate, and sadness to quit paralyzing me. I could have an amazing life. I could have it all. I need inspiration how to do this. I need help. There, I said it.

I need help.

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